About me

jenny hansen

Trauma Work and Counseling

About me

 I was born in 1972 and grew up on the U.S. West Coast near Seattle. I came to Germany as a young adult, where I studied German at university. During my studies I started my professional work as a translator. My children were born in 2006, 2010 and 2014. During this time I was the founder and coordinator of Alphabet e.V. (English language educational programs for children). In 2019 I began my training as a family counselor, alternative practitioner of psychotherapy and my first professional training in IoPT. Since then, traumatology and the intention method have become the focus of my work. I have undergone extensive training with Ellen Kersten, Marta Thorsheim and Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert, and continue to explore my own trauma biography as a part of my ongoing development as an IoPT practitioner. In my work with IoPT, I find joy in supporting others on their path to discovering who they are and being witness to their development.

I began my journey to the central question in IoPT, "Who am I?", on a bypath from my outside world. My work with children and their parents, and in particular, my experience as a mother, deepended my desire to better understand healthy human development and my own place within it. Initially, Attachment Parenting seemed to offer a clear perspective on the importance of a nurturing mother and her ability to tune into her child's needs. At the same time, my experiences with pregnancy and pregnancy loss sparked an interest in prenatal psychology and developmental trauma, and I dug deeper for the root cause of what I could not yet comprehend.

Thanks to IoPT, which leads us back to our own life beginning and gives us a theory so fundamental for understanding trauma, I discovered much that had remained hidden to me. It became clear that my search for the 'right' method of parenting was rooted in the yearning for a healthy connection with my own parents from the moment of conception. With that came the realization that healthy parent-child relationships cannot be created through any parenting concept, but are a natural consequence of knowing who we truly are and the establishment of a healthy, loving connection with ourselves.

About me

 I was born and raised in Seattle, USA in 1972. I came to Germany as a young adult in 1993 where I studied German at university. During my studies I started my professional work as a translator. My children were born in 2006, 2010 and 2014. During this time I was the founder and coordinator of Alphabet e.V. (English language educational programs for children). In 2019 I began my training as a family counselor, alternative practitioner of psychotherapy and my first professional training in IoPT. Since then, traumatology and the intention method have become the focus of my work. I have undergone extensive training with Ellen Kersten, Marta Thorsheim and Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert, and continue to explore my own trauma biography as a part of my ongoing development as an IoPT practitioner. In my work with IoPT, I find joy in supporting others on their path to discovering who they are and being witness to their development.

Who am I as a Mother?

I began my journey to the central question in IoPT, "Who am I?", on a bypath from my outside world:

My work with children and their parents, and in particular, my experience as a mother, deepended my desire to better understand healthy human development and my own place within it. Initially, Attachment Parenting seemed to offer a helpful perspective on the importance of a nurturing mother and her ability to tune into her child's needs. At the same time, my experiences with pregnancy and pregnancy loss sparked an interest in prenatal psychology and developmental trauma, and I dug deeper for the root cause of what I could not yet comprehend.

Thanks to IoPT, which leads us back to our own life beginning and gives us a theory so fundamental for understanding trauma, I discovered much that had remained hidden to me. It became clear that my search for the 'right' method of parenting was rooted in the yearning for a healthy connection with my own parents from the moment of conception. With that came the realization that healthy parent-child relationships cannot be created through any parenting concept, but are a natural consequence of knowing who we truly are and the establishment of a healthy, loving connection with ourselves.

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