jenny hansen
Trauma Work and Counseling
Begin Your Journey...
...with IoPT
If you are new to IoPT and interested in the work, please contact me by email to set up a consultation. This will help you to prepare for your session by giving you information about how it works and what to expect.
I offer both group and individual sessions. Choose what feels right for you.
Special support for women in small consistent closed circles.
Make an individual appointment if you have questions about IoPT, for IoPT informed counseling or for support on your journey with IoPT.
Join my international network of IoPT explorers. Schedule your self-encounter with the support of a small group when you need it, or join a session to support someone else during their self-encounter.
I offer workshops and courses that educate on topic of trauma as well as IoPT trainings for practitioners and ongoing practitioners.
Book a session in your preferred language and work with me online accross the globe or in the Rhine-Main area (Germany).
IoPT stands for Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory as developed by Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert. The Intention Method, which is based on IoPT, offers the opportunity to explore topics related to one's own will and identity. In a self-encounter, a process develops in which we can reestablish connection between our need for development and our healthy inner core. Through the experience, insights can be gained and developmental steps can be taken.
Legal Notice - Pyschological Counseling
Counselling is not treatment in the sense of psychotherapy. My offers are psychological counseling to help overcome psychosocial problems in accordance with German law (PsychThG §1 Professional practice para. 3, sentence 3). I do not make diagnoses and do not carry out any medical treatments. My work is in the scope counselling, not medicine.
Jenny Hansen
Tel: +49 176 519 60383